Optimize tracing spend on LangSmith
Before diving into this content, it might be helpful to read the following:
Some of the features mentioned in this guide are not currently available in Enterprise plan due to its custom nature of billing. If you are on Enterprise plan and have questions about cost optimization, please reach out to your sales rep or support@langchain.dev.
This tutorial walks through optimizing your spend on LangSmith. In it, we will learn how to optimize existing spend and prevent future overspend on a realistic real-world example. We will use an existing LangSmith organization with high usage. Concepts can be transferred to your own organization.
Problem Setup
In this tutorial, we take an existing organization that has three workspaces, one for each deployment stage (Dev, Staging, and Prod):
Understand your current usage
The first step of any optimization process is to understand current usage. LangSmith gives two ways to do this: Usage Graph and Invoices.